In the UK a substantial number of people die and others are injured in domestic fires every year, many from smoke inhalation. It is widely accepted that those deaths and injuries would be significantly reduced by installing and maintaining smoke alarms within dwellings. People are at least 4 times more likely to die in a fire in the home if there’s no working smoke alarm.
From the 1st October 2015 new goverment legislation stipulates that while a rented premises is occupied under a tenancy (or licence) the landlord must ensure that a smoke alarm is equipped on each storey of the premises on which there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation. Landlords also need to install carbon monoxide alarms in high risk rooms – such as those where a solid fuel heating system is installed. Those who fail to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms will face sanctions and could face up to a £5,000 civil penalty.
For flats comprising more than one storey there will need to be a smoke alarm on each floor.
It is the location of an alarm which sounds which is crucial; not the positioning of detectors.
The Regulations do not stipulate what kind of alarm is required. However we put huge emphasis on installing a hard wired and interlinked alarm system, These provide the entire alarm system with mains power throughout its lifespan and in the event of power failure a 9v battery backup kicks in to ensure the alarms still function. Hard wired alarms also remove the risk of tenants removing the battery which is one of the biggest causes for alarms not sounding during a fire, the leading brands also provide wirless interlink adaptors which cuts down on installation costs significantly in our eys they provide the ultimate in safety for the tenant and homeowner alike.
Click here to view the full explanatory booklet.
If you are a homeowner or landlord and would like a new compliant alarm system installed please contact us and we will be in touch to discuss the details.